Friday, September 28, 2007

A Few Pics from UNAM and the Center of the City

"Islas"-This is where we have all of our CUR Bible studies and English Clubs. It's also where UNAM students go to smoke weed. Just sayin'.

The Zocalo (center of town). This was a week or so before Mexico's Independence Celebration. You will notice the huge Mexican flag decoration in the background. This is where the president (or presidents, as was the case this year) makes his big State of the Union speech.

Cathedral in the Zocalo.Bellas Artes Museum with Josh Oettle (fellow intern)
Zocalo with Amy Oettle (fellow intern)
My relationship with Frida Kahlo was taken to another level.
Mexican Nationalism at its greatest. Seriously, we gringos will never know nationalism like this. Apparently, every day, these three platoons come to the Palacio Nacional. "Why?" you ask. To take down the flag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some sweet pictures there Jared! Viva Mexico!