Friday, July 10, 2009

I preached!

Last Sunday I had the wonderful opportunity to preach my second sermon ever. The pastor of my church here in Mexico City invited me to fill in for him while he was on vacation. It was my first sermon in an actual church and also my first sermon in English. I preached on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Here is an excerpt I thought I'd share:

"The wonderfully good news of the parable is that the Good Samaritan is Christ himself! This is the very heart of the gospel and it is what gives us any hope at all and all the hope in the world. If we are going to understand the hope and comfort that Christianity offers at all, we must understand that the gospel is a person. I work at the UNAM with a Christian ministry, and I talk with students all the time who are self-proclaimed “spiritual” people, but who are absolutely against the idea of Jesus as Savior. Maybe that’s where some of you are at this morning. I always try to explain to these students that, according to the Bible, and according to Jesus himself, there is no spirituality without the person of Christ. In other words, spirituality is a person. Religion is a person. And until we know the person of Jesus, we do not know God."


i'mthechief said...

i'm glad you're getting the chance to do that. is preaching something you're interested in? because i didn't know that.

I am Mexico. said...

I didn't really know it either. But, yes, it is definitely something I'm interested in.

rockabyedad said...

I am so proud to have you as a dear friend. Your experiences are very encouraging to me.

rockabyedad said...

dude - how's the wedding plans coming along?? ;)